Thursday, December 8, 2011


Dear Parents and Students,

This week in 7th grade Texas History we will be celebrating Freedom Week.  The TEKS for this week are concerning freedom week and they require that students have instruction that is based on the importance and the meaning of the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.  Students will also be reminded of some of the key events and sacrifices that allowed our country to claim its freedom.  This is a week to be thankful and proud that we live in America.  Below are links to different fun activities that can be explored to get a deeper understanding of this week’s concepts.  Students this is a fun way to learn, so try these links and enjoy! 
The Declaration Clarification Game

Click on the link above in order to enjoy a game that will help students be able to better identify the Declaration of Independence from other important documents.  When you get to the game click Go.  Next, the instructions to the game should have automatically popped-up, read the instructions, and close the instructions window.  Use the puzzle pieces at the bottom of the screen and fit them in the appropriate spot.  Play this game a few times and students you will be surprised how easily you might be able to identify the Declaration of Independence in the future!

Students you will enjoy this activity.  Just click on the link above and you be directly redirected to the flash activity.  Once you arrive at this website, you will be able to uncheck certain items that protect us under the Bill of Rights.  Once you uncheck it, things in the picture disappear.  For instance, when free speech is taken away campaign voting signs among several other things disappear from the picture. 

Classroom Jeopardy for Freedom Week

This is a fun Jeopardy game that is very appropriate for Freedom Week.  Students learn lots of interesting American History facts that deal with America and its freedom.  Follow the link above to play Jeopardy, close out the Camcordia pop-up, select how many teams by clicking on the up and down arrows, select rather or not it is a final Jeopardy game, and rather or not you want a timer.  Then click Go Play, select a category, answer the question, and then hit Answer to see if the question was answered correctly.  Click on Adjust scores and do so if needed and then click Home to go back to categories.  Enjoy several rounds of Jeopardy with your friends and family!

Animation Station

Watch this animated video that will further teach students about the Constitution.  By watching this video students will develop a deeper understanding of events and people that dealt with the U. S. Constitution. 

Animation Station
Watch this short informative video that talks about some of our individual rights that are protected under the U. S. Constitution.  To watch the video click on the link above and the video will automatically begin playing. 

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